Capital Movers

Repurpose Your Moving Boxes with Easter Crafts


You’ve finally settled into your new home. There are moving boxes everywhere. It’s cluttered and messy. You’re probably thinking – this can all go in recycling, right?  

Though it may not be at the top of your mind, your cardboard moving boxes can be so much more than a pile on your curb.  

Here is a round up list of the best cardboard Easter-themed crafts to try out with your Austin family!  

See Our Guide: Ways to Involve Your Children in the Move 

Make Your Kids Think with a Cardboard Egg Puzzle  


First, draw an egg with your pencil on a large flat piece of cardboard.  

Take your time, coloring with a marker or improving your painting skills. You can create any design you’d like for your cardboard egg. The more creative you are, the better the puzzle will look! 

After everything is dry, cut a smaller egg in your design that leaves enough room for a border. Then, slice up your puzzle however complicated you’d like.  

When you’re done, take the outlined cardboard egg and glue it flat on the other piece of cardboard to act as a base for your puzzle pieces.  

Storage is best in a plastic storage container or box to avoid denting the puzzle. This fun Easter activity is quick and easy for all ages.  

See Our Guide: Tips When Doing a New Home Walkthrough  

Personalize a Bunny with Your Leftover Cardboard  


 You’ll need a ton of cardboard bunnies. Take the time to draw and cut them yourself – or involve the kids and help them make their own bunnies. Afterwards, it’s time to decorate.  

Decoration doesn’t necessarily have to follow the video. The video guides uses spring-themed cardstock for a smooth color all over the cardboard bunny. You can outline the peek of cardboard on the side with string pearls or paint.   

Regardless of how you decorate it, this will be a blast for your kids to practice their fine motor skills and have art they’re really proud of.  

See Our Guide: Prepare to Move Regardless of the Weather 

Keep Us in Mind for Your Next Move  

If you have leftover boxes, give the remaining moving boxes to a family in need on Facebook Marketplace

Moving is never easy, but you can make it more manageable. If you ever need a hand to make your move less stressful, book an appointment with Capital Movers. We’re a professional, reliable, and affordable moving service in the Austin Metro area dedicated to families like you.  

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