The only way to be sure you can afford to move into a new home is to set and stick to a budget. When moving, there are a lot of “small” budgets that need to go into a bigger, overall one. So, not only do you need to make sure you have enough to get the keys to the new home, you have to make sure you have everything you need to successfully transition into it. Use these tips to help you remember what needs to be added into a successful moving budget!
Create a Physical Budget
Whether you want to use the computer, a phone app, or a good old notebook, you need something to keep track of all your predicted expenses. Make sections for different areas of the move and write down how much you think you need to spend, or save, to have a stress-free move into the new place. Making your budget should be your first step in the moving plan and if you get it done before anything else, it’ll be easier for you to ensure you don’t overspend!
Calculate Everything
Every little thing needs to be written in this budget from packing materials to utility fees! Are you moving a distance away from your current residence, will you need to stop and rest along the way? What about food while moving so you won’t have to dig out the cutting board after an exhausting day of unpacking?
These may all seem like small expenses, but when you start to add them all up, it may make a dent in your pockets. Anything you’d need money for, no matter where you are in the moving process, write it down.
Inventory and Insurance
Once you have all your expected expenses laid out, you should then take inventory of everything you’re taking with you! This may be a good time to declutter your home and see what you really want to hold onto in this next chapter of your life. When doing this, you should also go through fragile or sentimental items and see if it may be worth having insurance on them in case it doesn’t make it all the way to the final destination or it ends up damaged in the move!
If you’re planning on moving some items to storage or giving them away, this is also a good time to separate them from what you’re taking into the new home.
Cleaning and Utilities
If you’re leaving a place that took a security deposit, hiring a professional cleaner can help you ensure you get it back! You may also want to hire a cleaner for the new home so you can have peace of mind as your family settles in. And don’t forget to ask about utility deposits, or installation fees when setting up services for your new home. You don’t want to be without water or WIFI just because you were short on your budget!
It may also be a good idea to have savings ready for use in case of emergencies or unexpected costs! With a little preparation on your end before the big day, you can be sure you’re ready for anything thrown your way! And if you’re looking for professional, reliable, and affordable movers to add to your budget give Capital Movers a call for a FREE moving quote!